About the Chamber

Who we are

The Subcarpathian Chamber of Commerce was established to support entrepreneurs who value dynamic development, innovation and broadly understood education, also in the field of supporting vocational education, including adult education.

What we do

Our goal is to integrate and support entrepreneurs in all areas of the Chamber’s activity so that they can fully utilize their potential, increase the competitiveness of their company and achieve their own ambitious goals, while contributing to the economic growth of our region and country.

We offer our members, among other things, consulting, development of competences within training and conferences, including those prepared specifically for the individual expectations of the industry, as well as support in obtaining European funds, participation in economic missions, networking and many other activities. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the detailed OFFER.


What does the Chamber offer?

1. Regular meetings once a month for all Chamber members (with the possibility of organising further meetings according to demand), such as:
• meetings related to running a business, training and consulting (for those interested);
• integration meetings;
• presentations of Chamber members / speeches and lectures for interested Chamber members (among others, current problems of Chamber members will be discussed);
• thematic meetings – the topics of the meetings will be related to the needs of industry groups and clubs, invited experts from a given industry will participate in the meetings;
• presentation of the Chamber members’ business offer – each Chamber member has the right, after prior arrangement with the management board, to make a presentation regarding the products or services they offer.
2. Organization of industry clubs.
3. Online discussion platform, Facebook.
4. Promotion of Chamber members in social media.
5. Participation in exhibitions and fairs and organization of participation in fairs.
6. Organization of training on selected topics.
7. Business consulting and support.
8. Consulting on obtaining funds from European funds.
9. Legal and succession consulting.
10. Development of economic analyses and marketing strategies.
11. Creation of a purchasing and discount system and creation of purchasing groups.
12. Business and integration trips.
13. Economic missions in the country and abroad.
14. Cooperation with other economic self-government organizations.
15. Cooperation with local government at the municipal, district and provincial level.
16. Giving opinions on draft legal acts being prepared.
17. Representing the interests of groups, clubs and members of the Chamber towards local government and state administration bodies.

The objectives of the Chamber’s activities are primarily:

1. Representing and protecting the economic interests of the associated entrepreneurs and their associations.
2. Shaping, popularizing and promoting the principles of ethics and fair play in economic activity.
3. Monitoring and responding to changes in the principles and conditions of the functioning of the economy and draft laws and related implementing acts within the scope of the tasks of associations representing employers and economic self-government organizations.
4. Promoting and undertaking, in cooperation with the relevant bodies, activities aimed at supporting the development of the education system, including in particular vocational education, vocational training in workplaces and professional development of employees, also in the extracurricular system.
5. Encouraging members of the Chamber to cooperate with the scientific community, with particular emphasis on implementing the results of research and development work in enterprises carried out on behalf of entrepreneurs or independently of them, and resulting from the scientific work conducted by employees of higher education institutions and independent research and development institutes.
6. Promoting employment and labor market institutions and acting within the framework of employment mediation within the meaning of the Act on the promotion of employment and labor market institutions of 20 April 2004 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2023, item 735, as amended).
7. Initiating and actively supporting activities contributing to the growth of employment and the broadly understood development of human resources in the Podkarpacie region, as well as effectively reconciling the interests of employers and employees.
8. Supporting members of the Chamber and providing assistance in the event of emerging economic, organizational and legal problems related to their business activities.
9. Increasing the competences and skills of members of the Chamber by organizing regular training courses and meetings related to running a business, including meetings with experts, in response to the reported needs of specific industry groups, as well as consulting on:

  • applicable legal regulations;
  • applicable tax system;
  • business support for solving current problems of chamber members;
  • possibilities and principles of obtaining European funds;
  • applicable regulations and principles of succession.

10. Promoting and actively participating in initiatives aimed at implementing innovative solutions in all areas of economic activity, from innovative management strategies, through building relationships with customers, creating marketing and promotional strategies, building a team of employees, to production processes and social relations, which will constitute a source of competitive advantages for members of the Chamber and the entire Podkarpacie region.
11. Integrating the local business environment, as well as establishing business contacts with partners in Poland and abroad.
12. Taking action for the benefit of the Podkarpacie Province, especially in the scope of successive improvement of the conditions for conducting business activity, as well as increasing the attractiveness of the region for investors from Poland and abroad, among others by activating entrepreneurship among the local community, as well as educating children and youth, for example as part of internships or professional training.
13. Promoting the activities of the Chamber, among others by:

  • committed participation of its members in the events it proposes, aimed at consolidating the business environment and attracting new members of the Chamber,
  • delegating representatives of the Chamber, at the invitation of government administration and local government bodies, to participate in the work of advisory and consultative institutions in matters of broadly understood economic activity.

14. Creating conditions for resolving disputes through amicable, conciliatory and mediation proceedings.
15. Participating, on separately specified principles, in court proceedings in connection with the economic activity of members of the Chamber.
16. Performing, at the request or with the consent of the Chamber, by way of a regulation of the Council of Ministers, tasks reserved in the provisions of law for the state administration.
17. Conducting lobbying activities, understood as any activity conducted using legally permitted methods and aimed at influencing public authorities in order to take into account the arguments and interests of specific social or professional groups in the decisions taken – on the principles specified in the Act of 7 July 2005 on lobbying activities in the law-making process.
18. Performing tasks resulting from membership in the National Chamber of Commerce.
19. Carrying out by the Chamber of activities and tasks assigned to it on the basis of separate provisions or concluded agreements and arrangements.
20. Engaging in initiatives and campaigns promoting artistic and cultural events, as well as supporting their development.
21. Conducting educational, training, advisory and promotional activities by the Chamber.
22. Popularizing innovative solutions in the broadly understood scope of economic activity, as well as promoting and popularizing reliable information on economic activity in the region, country or the European Union.


The Subcarpathian Chamber of Commerce  (PSG), associating entrepreneurs and employers, as well as their unions, is one of the newest institutions of this type on the map of Poland. The Chamber was established on January 24, 2024 in Rzeszów by 52 founding members. The Chamber operates on the basis of the Act of May 20, 1989 on chambers of commerce, as well as the Act of May 23, 1991 on employers’ organizations, with subsequent amendments, and on the basis of its own Statute.

Poznaj Statut Podkarpackiego Samorządu Gospodarczego